
Showing posts from February, 2023

Loopity Loop and I had not prepared for that!

Day Two in Sedona brought more beauty and more peace. Although I'm not what you might refer to as an avid hiker, I did bring my hiking boots to Sedona. I was pleasantly surprised with how well-marked the trails were and how beautiful the surroundings were. In the morning I headed out to Airport Vortex and walked part of the Airport Loop. This is what I found. Above is the view from the aptly named Sedona View Trail, which links the parking lot at the airport scenic outlook and the Airport Vortex site. It was a bit chilly, especially on the shady side of the mountain. But then you get here, and... ta-da! Wind in my hair, rock at my feet, vortex within range... can't you just feel the energy!? So later that day, before heading to dinner, I went on one more hike, then caught the sunset back at Airport Vortex. It was a busy day full of lots of time for reflection, and during which a love of hiking and mountains started to brew. Here is a video from the hike at Boynton's Canyon

From Ley Lines to Energy Vortexes

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Did you miss me!? I missed me! I missed you! And now we're back together, yay!! I swear, when I'm not traveling I feel like my soul is dying, like I can't get enough oxygen. And when I am traveling I'm in the moment, breathing, living, loving. So that's where I've been, and now I'm back home, and ready to share my adventures with you! Let's jump right in. Some of you know that I was supposed to participate in an energy retreat in Sedona in January. It got postponed, but of course my adventurous self decided that I was going to head out west anyway because the excitement had been working up over the previous 4-5 months and I just had to go. Instead of spending two whole weeks in Sedona like originally planned, I did re-work the itinerary somewhat. Are you familar with the Peter Lik photo that was taken at Upper Antelope Canyon? **Frantically googling Peter Lik** Well, photos of people (acquaintances) visiting that location kept mak