
Showing posts from December, 2023

Letter to My Younger Self

 As I reflect back on 2023, I am filled with gratitude. Not just gratitude, but wonder and appreciation for this life. About a month ago, while in PV, I decided to write a letter to my younger self. What I wrote came from the heart, and the end result surprised me. I am sharing it with you all here. I encourage you all to write letters to your younger selves as well - what might yours say? Dear younger self, Welcome to your beautiful life! You were so brave to decide at 23 that you wanted to move to Paris! You did it, and you built a beautiful life there, making amazing memories that you will cherish forever. Don’t feel bad that mom didn’t come to visit you yet- you will show her Paris on a very special mother-daughter trip in 20 years. You love Paris and also love Stockholm. You will discover other parts of the world- on other continents- that will capture your heart as much as Europe did. You will go places. You’ll see new cities. You will meet people. You will try amazing food from