The magic of PV. The magic of me.

I love thunder and lightning storms. I love them most when I have a safe vantage point, and I've seen several tempestuous rain, thunder, and lightning storms throughout my life. I especially like them in tropical places because it's warm!!

Puerto Vallarta has a rainy season that typically spans from July to October. One night in July, I was having dinner at La Palapa. (Big surprise there!) Partway through the meal, it started to pour really really hard, so I moved from an outside table on the sand, to one inside, under the "palapa." 

I was amazed at the view from my table.

By the time I finished dinner, the rain had all but stopped. I had my usual decaf cappuccino and was still reading The Untethered Soul. 

And I was so grateful, not for one thing in particular, but for every.single.thing. I was grateful for this view from my balcony:

And then one night, this happened.

Knowing I was safe indoors really allowed me to enjoy this storm. But this post isn't about storms, as least not in the physical sense. I think there's greater meaning here. 

When we are calm, balanced, and secure on the inside, we can weather (pun intended) the crazy, tumultuous world on the outside. In the end, so little is under our control. But we CAN control our emotions, our reactions, our outlook, our optimism. We can't control the outside world, but we can, a lot of the times, decide or at least temper how it affects us.

Sometimes, the world will match our energy. What do I mean by this? My more recent balcony view of PV was this:

It matched my temperament, my contentment, my essence. It reflected my energy, my heart, my own beauty. The magic of PV. The magic of me. ❤️


  1. Just beautiful! And I love how you’ve taken back your 🦋…..❤️


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