Ticket to Puerto Vallarta? How about Buffalo!? 😁

I’ll take travel any way I can get it. I was supposed to go back to PV 😍 this month, but my gut said no, so here I am. And here we are. And here YOU are! I learned a very long time ago - and more than once, I might add, because I’m stubborn like that - that going against my gut is always a bad idea. πŸ˜‚ So… since I can’t have sun and sand right now, I’m headed to the cold and snow! Ha! Yesterday Buffalo got hit with 6 feet of snow, but Rochester was spared so I should be able to make it in safely.

The last time I went up to Rochester, I drove. It’s 5 hours but I usually stop for coffee and gas and to stretch my legs along the way. Today’s journey was different- once I got on the train on NYC, I settled in for a 7 hour ride across the Empire State. On the Empire line, fittingly enough. I made sure I got a window seat because I didn’t want to miss what the world has to offer. Maybe this ride is an allegory for my approach to life- experiencing it up close and personal, unafraid of the road that I have not yet travelled.

Like a girl scout, I came on this trip prepared with entertainment, lunch, and of course, snacks. 😍 Because no one wants to see me hangry, least of all, me!! One of my favorite t-shirts says “I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry.” Recently I’ve developed a healthy obsession for Duolingo, so that entertained me for the first part of the trip. I alternate between Italian and Japanese these days. Towards the end of the trip I turned my attention to "Call the Midwife" on Netflix. So good.
All the while looking out the window and taking photos. These are views of the way across the Hudson. 

The terrible thing about the travel bug is that the effects never go away. In the past, I've tried to repress the urge to travel, like when I was busy or didn't have money, but... like glitter on your carpet, it never quite goes away completely. You always find another speck somewhere. Same with wanderlust. Whenever I get really motion sick on a flight home, I always swear it'll be my last trip for a while, and then... yup, two weeks later I'm on a plane again, getting whisked away to another place, trying to get my next travel fix. So while the train ride to Buffalo will quell the bug for now... I can't wait to plan my next trip. I think you'll like it.


  1. Its time for a AZ update Dorothy! <3 chels

    1. Coming soon! I know I said that last week but this time for realz!! ♥️


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